Our Services

The short answer, we are the renter’s Personal Assistant, the clerical/admin services preparing the right words into a document to help with your rental property. 

Renting is very much a business these days while the people living in the rental property sees it as their home, a place where memories are made. 

Originally, our aim was to equip the renting community with up to date information as well as providing resources like checklists, booklets and worksheets. These were written by us presenting a more informed way of renting. However, this proactive approach seemed to be something the renting community had no interest in, so we swapped our efforts over to tackling bond refund disputes. 

Now thousands of paragraphs on, we have used our legislation database to produce Statements of Evidence for the disputes that end up at the Tribunal. This document has been built on and now offers the renters of Australia a full report disputing claims against bond monies and at the same time, presenting your tenancy in chronolgical order based on the tenant’s evidence.  

If you are looking for somebody to help put together a submission for the Tribunal then you have found the right people to help you.

With years of experience managing large evidence based documents, we can assist any tenant in Australia represent themselves against bond claims whether it be large or small. We take the stress away by preparing our Statements of Evidence and present your side of events in a quick to read professionally written document, organised structure. 

Check out what we can do to show the whole picture, not just some of it!