Urgent or emergency repair letter

Urgent or emergency repairs are just that, urgent! Depending on where you live will dictate what your legislation states as to how you can handle the situation.

We have entered different responses for several different paragraphs, so make sure you are logged in before processing your letter.

The 1st initial contact letter states the issue/problem and how and when you would like it to be remedied.

The 2nd letter is a follow up letter and you can state whether you will do the repairs and request reimbursement or seek an order from the Tribunal/Magistrates Court.

Depending on your circumstances, we have a letter stating you repaired the problem and are requiring reimbursement and another letter stating the emergency repairer remedied the situation.

Generate your letter by clicking here and please allow 24 hours for us to respond.

Select your state or territory for additional information about urgent repairs:

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia